The new drug Riociguat promises to make the treatment of pulmonary hypertension more effective


The pharmaceutical company Bayer is gearing up to launch a highly effective drug for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension into the market by mid-14, with plans for free sale. Clinical trials for the new drug, Riociguat, have commenced in humans and are showing promising results.

According to the developers, Riociguat is touted as the most effective medicine thus far for aiding patients with high pulmonary pressure. The drug is expected to bolster heart function and significantly enhance patients' endurance. Given the global estimate of approximately 52 million people diagnosed with pulmonary arterial hypertension, the anticipated profit from Riociguat's sale is substantial, projected at $480 million, according to experts.

Successful completion of clinical trials involved 443 volunteers over 12 weeks. Participants were divided into two groups, with one taking the experimental drug and the other a placebo. Researchers evaluated the changes by measuring the distance participants could walk in 6 minutes before and after taking the drug, along with assessing cardiovascular performance.

Results revealed that those taking the new medicine covered an additional 35 meters in the allotted time, showing an improvement in heart performance. Conversely, the condition of participants taking the placebo remained unchanged throughout the study.

Developers of Riociguat also observed that when combined with the widely used drug Tracleer, their medication further improved patients' conditions. Notably, Riociguat's side effects include dizziness, headaches, nausea, and swelling of the extremities, whereas Tracleer may pose a risk of liver damage.

13 December 2012