Signing a memorandum with patient organizations in Ukraine and a protest action near the Verkhovna Rada


On March 25, 2014, we participated in the signing of a memorandum initiating a bill in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The bill aimed to raise excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco, directing 100% of the funds towards purchasing medicines for patients in Ukraine.

During this event, we had the pleasure of meeting the organization "Patient of Ukraine," represented by Dmitry Sherembey, Olga Stefanishin, and Oksana Korchinskaya. These individuals demonstrated high motivation, activity, and a singular focus on achieving positive outcomes for life and health.

The Minister of Health, Oleg Musiy, personally attended our meeting and expressed his support for the project and patients in general. It was encouraging to hear such commitment to the well-being of patients, and we hope for positive changes moving forward.

We also connected with 28 patient associations in Ukraine, exchanging contacts and fostering a collaborative spirit. Together, we aim to strengthen our collective efforts by sharing experiences, ideas, and information.

On March 26, 2015, we actively participated in a protest organized by the "Patients of Ukraine" outside the Verkhovna Rada. Our engagement included interviews with several TV channels, and a comprehensive photo report is available on social networks, where we regularly update information.

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Now, we call on each of you, our readers, especially those who are patients or have relatives facing health challenges. Do not remain silent; make yourself known to us and the world. Together, we are a formidable force capable of overcoming challenges.

We eagerly anticipate hearing from each of you because, for the establishment of a state register, we need real, existing individuals with their unique problems and experiences. Share your stories with the world; silence equals stagnation, so speak up, breathe, and live!

27 August 2014